Model updating of a reduced-scaled masonry bridge by using response surface method
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Historical structures reflect the historical and cultural properties of countries and also contributes to the economy in terms of cultural tourism. Therefore, it is important to understand the structural behavior of these kinds of structures under dynamics loads such as earthquakes, etc. to protect and transfer them safely to future generations. For this reason, this study aims to investigate the dynamic behavior of a reduced-scale one-span masonry arch bridge constructed in laboratory conditions by performing experimental and numerical analysis. Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) Technique was performed under ambient vibrations for experimental study to determine modal parameters of the reduced-scaled bridge model. Sensitive three-axial accelerometers were located on critical points on the bridge span and signals originated by accelerometers were collected to quantify the vibratory response of the scale bridge model. The experimental natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping ratios resulting from these measurements were figured out by using Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition (EFDD) technique. ANSYS software was utilized to carry out 3D finite element (FE) modeling of the reduced-scale masonry bridge and determine the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the bridge numerically. Experimental results were compared with FE analysis results of the bridge. Significant differences appeared when comparing the results of the experimental and numerical with the initial conditions. Therefore, the finite element model is calibrated by using the response surface (RS) method according to the experimental results to minimize the uncertain finite element modeling parameters of the reduced-scale bridge model such as material properties.
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