Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

The effect of slenderness on the lateral-torsional buckling and ultimate shear capacity of plate girders

Celal Cakiroglu, Kamrul Islam, Gebrail Bekdaş

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Lateral torsional buckling and shear buckling are two of the most significant structural responses that should be considered during the design process of plate girders. Particularly the importance of lateral torsional buckling was once again witnessed during the reconstruction process of a bridge in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada when the plate girders failed due to insufficient bracing. This current study aims to acquire a better understanding of the effect of geometric parameters such as the web slenderness, flange slenderness and span-to-depth ratio on the critical buckling moment and ultimate shear strength of plate girders. To achieve this goal the critical buckling moment and ultimate shear strength of a plate girder were parametrically studied for a large number of geometries using a load case from an experimental study. The results of this parametric study clarified the effects of web slenderness, flange slenderness and span-to-depth ratio on the structural performance of a plate girder. The visualization of the results was used to identify the ranges of these geometric parameters where the structural performance is most sensitive to changing them.


lateral-torsional buckling; slenderness; shear; parametric study; tension field theory


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