Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

Shear capacity of post-installed anchors according to ACI318 and TS500

Özlem Çalışkan, Salih Yılmaz, Hasan Kaplan

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Applications of strengthening works have accelerated gradually due to earthquakes in recent years. Different strengthening methods are being used in order to bring the structures with insufficient strength to those levels specified by current codes. In most of the applications, the bonding between the new structural elements and the concrete of the old structure is established with the chemical anchors. Although they are used widespread in the practice, there are not any sufficient details in Turkish Standards for the design and application of these anchors. In this work, a comparison of ACI318 and the Turkish Standards for anchor shear strength is given. As the result, it has been concluded that there are vital differences between ACI and the Turkish Standards and that an immediate revision is needed for the Turkish Standards.


Publication Note

This research has previously been presented at the 9th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering held in Trabzon, Turkey, on September 27-30, 2010. Extended version of the research has been submitted to Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics and has been peer-reviewed prior to the publication.


post-installed anchors; shear capacity; TS500; ACI318; edge distance


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