Three-dimensional static analysis of reinforced concrete cantilever beam using MATLAB Partial Differential Equation Toolbox
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Nowadays, three-dimensional (3D) solid model of the structures can be prepared by using computer aided design programs. There are many numerical methods for static, dynamic and temperature analysis of structural systems. The most preferred among these methods is the finite element method (FEM). In this method, the structural model with different geometry and boundary conditions should be solved by utilizing partial differential equations. Due to the long solution time while performing, finite element programs require computers with very good features. Therefore, analyses with desired features can be performed by using open source programs to shorten the duration of analysis. In this study, specifically, the static analysis of the selected reinforced concrete (RC) cantilever beam was carried out by using the open source MATLAB partial differential toolbox based on the FEM. Since the program used is open source, different concrete classes and finite element models were selected for the cited cantilever beam and static analyses were performed. As a result of the MATLAB partial differential toolbox analyses, the displacement, stress and deformation of the cantilever beam were obtained in 3D and compared with the ones obtained from ANSYS computer program.
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