Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

Prediction of optimum design of welded beam design via machine learning

Yaren Aydın, Farnaz Ahadian, Gebrail Bekdaş, Sinan Melih Nigdeli

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Design optimization is an important engineering design topic. One of the important issues in structural design is to minimize the cost. This study based on an engineering problem of Welded Beam Design aims to minimize the cost of the beam with machine learning (ML) models depending on the constraints on applied load, shear stress, bending stress and end deflection. The data set to be used in this context was created using a metaheuristic optimization algorithm. This hybrid algorithm is based on the classical Jaya algorithm by adding the student phase of Teaching Learning Based Optimization. The dataset obtained as a result of the optimization is a dataset with 1189 rows. Six different algorithms were used for prediction analyses. These are Linear Regression, Decision Tree, Elastic Net, K-Nearest Neighbour, Random Forest, and XGBoost algorithm. In the data set, load, length, and displacement are input; the design variables such as b, h, l, t and minimum cost are output. Since there is more than one output in the dataset, Multioutput Regression is applied. The performance of regression models was assessed using the Coefficient of Determination (R²), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE). According to the results obtained, the Decision Tree Model showed the best performance among the other models (R2=1, MAE=6.13e-11, RMSE=9.47e-10).


welded beam; multioutput regression; optimization; machine learning; minimum cost


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