Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

High strain rate and quasi-static compression behavior and energy absorption characteristic of PVC foam

Zhang Wei, Ye Nan

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The mechanical properties at room temperature of two densities PVC foams have been experimentally evaluated in both quasi-static and dynamic compression loading conditions. The strain rate effect have been evaluated by comparing the constant strength during plateau region. Energy absorption efficiency of PVC foam is investigated, and it shows that in certain density range, the efficiency of lighter PVC foam is larger than that of heavier PVC foam, but the efficiency stress of lighter PVC foam is smaller than that of heavier PVC foam. While the lighter PVC foam has been compressed more than heavier PVC foam when they reach their peak efficiency. Therefore, for a certain density of PVC foam itself, when the loading rates increase, the PVC foam will absorb more energy more efficiently.


PVC foam; mechanical properties; strain rates effect; energy absorption


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Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICEM17.


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