Freeze-thaw and drop-weight impact resistance of fiber-reinforced pervious concretes produced using recycled pervious concrete aggregate
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Pervious concrete can rapidly drain stormwater from the top layer to the sublayer. However, the porous structure of this concrete also results in low mechanical properties, which prevent the widespread use of pervious concrete around the world. This study investigated the freeze-thaw and drop-weight resistances of pervious concrete produced with recycled pervious concrete aggregate. Two different aggregate types (limestone and recycled) and two different aggregate size fractions (15/25 mm and 5/15 mm) were used to examine the effect of aggregate type and gradation. Additionally, for improving mechanical and durability properties, polypropylene fibers were used at three different dosages by the volume of mixtures (0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3%). Within the scope of the study, compressive, splitting-tensile, and flexural strengths, effective porosity, freeze-thaw, abrasion, and impact resistance of pervious concrete were determined. The results showed that concrete produced with recycled aggregate had some advantages in terms of porosity; however, its mechanical properties, freeze-thaw, and impact resistance were lower than those of pervious concretes produced with limestone aggregate. Additionally, fiber addition decreased the compressive strength and effective porosity of pervious concrete. However, up to a certain point (0.2%), fiber addition improved abrasion, freeze-thaw, and impact resistance, as well as splitting tensile and flexural behavior of pervious concrete.
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