Influence of blast-induced ground motion on dynamic response of masonry minaret of Yörgüç Paşa Mosque
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This paper focuses on the dynamic response analysis of masonry minaret of Yörgüç Paşa Mosque subjected to artificially generated surface blast-induced ground motion by using a three-dimensional finite element model. The mosque is located in the town of Kavak of Samsun, in Turkey. This study intended to determine the ground motion acceleration values due to blast-induced ground motions (air-induced and direct-induced) calculated by a random method. In order to model blast-induced ground motion, firstly, peak acceleration and the time envelope curve function of ground motion acceleration were obtained from the distance of the explosion center and the explosion charge weight and then blast-induced acceleration time history were established by using these factors. Non-stationary random process is presented as an appropriate method to be produced by the blast-induced ground motion model. As a representative of blast-induced ground motion, the software named BlastGM (Artificial Generation of Blast-induced Ground Motion) was developed by authors to predict ground motion acceleration values. Artificial acceleration values generated from the software depend on the charge weight and distance from the center of the explosion. According to the examination of synthetically generated acceleration values, it can be concluded that the explosions cause significant effective ground movements. In the paper, three-dimensional finite element model of the minaret was designed by ANSYS. Moreover, the maximum stresses and displacements of the minaret were investigated. The results of this study indicate that the masonry minaret has been affected substantially by effects of blast-induced ground motion.
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Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ACE2016.
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