Most Downloaded Papers of 2015

vol.1 no.3 Performance-based fire protection of office buildings: A case study based on the collapse of WTC 7
 Robert Korol, Frank Greening, Paul Heerema

vol.1 no.3 Defining parameters for concrete damage plasticity model
 Yusuf Sümer, Muharrem Aktaş

vol.1 no.1 FRP-RC/PC members subjected to combined actions
 A. Ghani Razaqpur, Francesco Bencardino, Lidia Rizzuti, Giuseppe Spadea

vol.1 no.1 Seismic analysis of interlocking mortarless hollow block
 Farzad Hejazi, Jamalodin Noorzaei, Abang Abdullah Abang Ali, Mohd Saleh Jaafar

vol.1 no.4 Seismic analysis of offshore wind turbine including fluid-structure-soil interaction
 Kemal Hacıefendioğlu, Fahri Birinci