Research on relation between natural frequency and axial stress of round bar with intermediate-supported ends
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In order to make a method be useful to measure an axial stress of a member by a natural frequency, we investigated a relation between a natural frequency and an axial stress of a round bar with intermediate-supported ends, the boundary condition of which was one between a fix-supported end and a simply-supported end. To define an intermediate-supported end condition, we adopted a parameter, a ratio of a moment of a force to a deflection angle at the end. It was shown theoretically that the parameter of an intermediate-supported end could be evaluated by one at a support on a continuous beam consisted of 3 spans. The 3-spanned beam has same vibration characteristics of a beam with intermediate-supported ends. We manufactured a test device of a 3-spanned beam by which we could simulate a vibration under various intermediate-supported end conditions. The theoretical relation and experimental results between a natural frequency and an axial stress agreed for the most part.
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Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ICEM17.
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