Dynamic vibration analysis of ballastless track: Istanbul Aksaray-Airport LRT System
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20528/cjsmec.2015.07.026
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In this study, ballastless superstructure with a steel base-plate of light metro track, which lies between Aksaray and the Airport in Istanbul, was analyzed with a numeric method using ANSYS 9.0 finite element software. Since the railroad superstructure has a symmetric structure with respect to the track axis, a rail system that consists of a single rail and a half sleeper was modeled to simplify the computations in this analysis. In the discrete supported track model, the rail was modeled as an Euler-Bernoulli beam and steel base-plate, and it was assumed to be a rigid mass. Dynamic computation results and graphs were determined by performing harmonic analysis with the aid of ANSYS software. A field vibration survey was conducted to determine the natural frequencies of the railroad and the dynamic receptance behavior, and to validate the finite element model according to the measurement results. The frequency receptance behavior of the rail and the support was measured by applying a hammer impact load on the rail head in the field, and the finite element model of the ballastless track with steel base-plate was verified.
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