Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

Evaluating the effects of different slab types on static and dynamic characteristics of structures

Yılmaz Keleş, Hüseyin Kasap, Zeynep Yaman

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In this study, the effect of different types of slabs on dynamic characteristics of structures under the lateral loading was investigated. For this purpose, four different types of slabs namely, beamed slab, flat slab, one way ribbed (hollow core) slab and waffle slab have been modeled in buildings having 3, 4 and 5 storeys with the same geometric dimensions, in accordance to design and construction requirements (TS 500) and Turkish building seismic codes (TBDY, 2018). Seismic analysis calculations of the modeled buildings were done using the equivalent seismic load method. The assumed local soil class was taken from the geotechnical report as ZD. As a result of the analysis, natural periods, base shear forces, maximum horizontal displacements and relative storey drifts of the buildings were compared. Seismic analysis and calculations of the buildings were completed using SAP2000 finite element software.


beam slab; flat slab; ribbed slab; waffle slab; natural frequency; base shear force; storey drift


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